Hiper-resolution Panel

Xunta de Galicia

Elections to the Galician Parliament 2009

Installation of 320 computers with TFT screens with a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels mounted in a 32 (columns) x 10 (rows) panel with a total resolution of 153.600.000px, 4.6 times Ultra High Definition (8K)

Images were seen at this resolution as well as the electoral results of the 315 Concellos de Galicia (municipalities), the summary for the 4 provinces and the Total for Galicia all at the same time.


Resolution 153.600.000 pixels
75.000 frigorías to cool the interior of the installation
168 cubic meters of space for the computers
84 m2 of surface area for the screens and supports
20 switches for the network
11 servers for content distribution
1 laptop to manage the installation!